Terms and Conditions

Sangram Classic Terms and Conditions

Forwarding payment in any means to the Sangram Classic demonstrates your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions as detailed below.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Please read and review everything carefully, before you pay your registration for any category/categories. Sangram Classic prohibits refunds or exchanges of any monies paid for Registration/Registrations.

Occasionally, events are canceled or postponed. Should this occur, we will attempt to contact you and refund the full amount of your Registration Fee.

If in any case a category gets canceled we will offer you the opportunity to play in any other relevant Category you like and if you choose not to play in, in that case, Sangram Classic will refund you the full amount of your Registration Fee. Sangram Classic does reserve the right to cancel Category/Categories. Something like this would only happen if the numbers of competitors are very low, or for another significant reason.


The rules and regulations are to be complied with, and abided by, at all times with the Organizer, their representatives and the venue.


  • Are expected to hold themselves to the highest levels of good conduct / professional standards throughout the competition.
  • Must be punctual, arriving early enough to be available for any last-minute briefings 15 minutes before their allocated times for both prejudging and the main show.
  • Must take direction from Sangram Classic backstage managers throughout the show.
  • May not be under any circumstance, to be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol whilst competing in the show.
  • Should ensure that intimate body parts are properly covered at all times as nudity is strictly forbidden and would result in the immediate removal of the athlete from the stage or staging area and result in disqualification from the event without refund.
  • May be disqualified without a refund if they are found intentionally damaging property, exhibiting inappropriate behavior towards athletes, judges, service providers, sponsors or the general public.
  • May not make use of any vulgar language, inappropriate gestures, any form of racisms, gender slander or deformation of another person.


Sangram Classic or it’s associates/subsidiaries are not liable to any sort of damages incurred by you or your accomplices during your travel to or from, stay or participation at Sangram Classic, Sangram Classic’s Venue of the show, or the Registration location.